Sunday, March 7, 2010

Encyclopedia Mythica

Encyclopedia Mythica (

This site is an extensive online encyclopedia of folklore, mythology, legend, and religion. The thousands of individual entries, covering everything from Agskw to Zveda Vechanyaya, are classified by geographic region (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania), with further subdivisions within each region.

It is difficult to imagine the amount of time and effort that must have been required to create this valuable resource. A person could spend hours (or days) simply browsing through the countless entries. I noticed that some of the entries were about legendary people who may have actually existed, such as Robin Hood, King Authur, and Roland, so that the site covers more than just mythology. In fact there is special section about King Authur and the Knights of the Round Table. Other special sections cover King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Moses Maimonides, and Witchcraft.

One area that particularly caught my interest is the Bestiary. I was surprised to learn that many of these mythical beasts, such as the Behemoth, Basilisk, and Gargoyles, are associated with early Christian beliefs. For example, the Behemoth is mentioned in the Bible's Old Testament, and later apocalyptic literature identifies it with the Devil.

This award-winning site also includes an excellent image gallery and a section of genealogy tables for ancient gods and goddesses.

To visit this site, go to
Encyclopedia Mythica

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